
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meet the Teacher

It's Teacher Week with Blog Hoppin'. Today's Yesterday's (yes, I'm a day late) topic is all about me!

1. I LOVE Christmas! It is my favorite time of year! I start listening to as soon as Halloween is over. Isabella, my oldest daughter, has totally followed in my footsteps!  She has been making her Christmas list all summer long!

2. My youngest sister and I look so much alike, people say hi to one of us at a store, thinking they are talking to the other one. She has been asked so many times, "Where are the girls?" (She has no kids!) Sometimes we will see a picture of the other one and think its a picture of ourselves!  We think it's funny!  I'm six years older than she is!

3. I am running the Chicago Marathon in October. I have never been sporty or athletic, but I absolutely LOVE running!

4. I was a five year 4-H member while in school. I have volunteered with my county 4-H program for the past 10 years as a project superintendent and club adult leader.

5. I married into a family of bowlers, but I can't bowl well to save my life! My husband has bowled several 300 (perfect) games. Me on the other hand, I'm lucky to get to 50!

6. I have a Chihuahua who has been my baby before I had real babies. He has been a faithful friend for over 11 years.

7. My sisters and I are painted on a mural on a building in our town!  We watched the artist at work on the mural one day and he asked if we wanted to be put on it! Back in the day when people actually carried around real photographs instead of whipping out their iphones, my mom had a picture in her purse and gave the artist a photograph of us.

8. My husband and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon almost 7 years ago. We can't wait to go back, but we do want to wait until the girls are a little older. (and taller!) After their wellness checkups, I text John to tell him how many more inches they have to grow in order to go on our favorite ride, Tower of Terror. Isabella is tall enough, but Olivia has 11 inches more to go....

9. I am a very healthy eater. I have been a vegetarian for many years now. I have given up soda and fried food for a year. But, I have a serious weakness for cotton candy.  I get a big bag each time I visit the fair. I'd hate to add up how much money I spent on cotton candy! Considering I go to the fair at least 5 times during the summer!

10. In addition to teaching, I work at a salon. I did hair right out of high school and worked as a hair stylist during college. I still work once a month to keep up with my loyal clients.  It's nice to have adult conversations after teaching kindergarten all week and being home with two little girls. 

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