I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I ate entirely too much, but it was an enjoyable day spent with my family and my in-laws. I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this week's Five for Friday Linky.
Our elf, Jolly, made an appearance at home a few days before Thanksgiving. Isabella loves looking for him each morning!
My vegetable tray for Thanksgiving. Pinterest success! :)
A student wrote this in her Thanksgiving dinner book. She spelled it all on her own. It is just too cute not to share!
I am excited about my new classroom elf craftivity for sale on Teacher's Pay Teachers. I have a feeling my students will enjoy making elves after meeting our classroom elf!
Cyber Monday is a day away. My TPT wishlist is quickly growing! Visit my TPT store to pick up some activities for 28% off on Monday and Tuesday. Until then, enjoy 20% off!
My Christmas Literacy Stations is one of my newest products!
I'm pretty excited about my D'Nealian Handwriting Practice book, too!