We celebrated the 100th day of school on Thursday. The kids were so excited all week leading up to this momentous day. Earlier in the week we made 100 Day Crowns. They loved wearing their crowns all day long.
(The class LOVES to use glitter. I have found the best way to have them add sparkle is to have them use the glue and then bring their projects to the Glitter Station. My aide and I sprinkle the glitter on their glue as they watch in amazement! I am so thankful that our awesome custodians allow us to use glitter!)
The students were welcomed into our classroom with a banner on 100th Day. It was neat to see students in higher grades stop to admire the sign.

The reading comprehension skills of the week were naming the main idea and details, and summarizing. The class did a great job summarizing the events in Lester Laminack's
Jake's 100th Day of School.
During math, the students were given the chance to share their collections of 100 items. We had many collections of Legos and pennies, as well as collections of toys, cars, and hair clips!
We made cupcakes with 100 sprinkles. My
mom gave me the idea. She teaches kindergarten, too!
The kids worked with their table groups to count out 100 sprinkles and wrote a recipe for their cupcake. The groups agreed on a name for their cupcake, too. I love that one group named their cupcake Mike!
I gave the class the writing prompt, If I had one hundred dollars.... It was interesting to read what they would do with one hundred dollars. I copied large $100 bills on green paper and stapled it to the paper with their sentence.
We also made snacks with 100 treats. The kiddos had fun counting ten pieces of ten different snacks. All in all, 100th Day was a success! What did your class do to celebrate the 100th day?